Monthly Archives: January 2017

Hygge Blog Title Pic

The Coziest Trend of 2017: Hygge

Things in the US are a little tense. We have a new President vowing to shake things up, climate change could diminish food supply for our grandchildren (and their grandchildren), celebs can’t stay alive, refugees need homes, citizens need affordable homes, and we’re all still reeling after the Brangelina break-up. All this uncertainty and tension has given way…

Twin XL-The Size No One Knows_Feature

Twin XL – The Size Nobody Knows

Twin XL – The Size Nobody Knows! Let’s talk about how kids grow up so fast. It’s true, one minute they’re cooing in a crib and next they’re asking for keys to drive the car. And with fast growth comes growing pains, not to mention parents shrinking wallets. My parents raised three boys, and I…

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds Blog title

A List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Here in Seattle at Bedrooms & More, a fair-sized contingent of our customer base are allergy sufferers. It’s no surprise, really: the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology reports that “worldwide, sensitization to foreign proteins in the environment is present in up to 40% of the population.” That’s a lot of red, runny eyes, sniffly…

Feng Shui Your Bedroom_Feature

Feng Shui Your Bedroom

Congratulations, you made it through 2016! You’re gonna need energy for the year ahead. And what’s one of the best ways to make sure you’ve got all the energy you need? Sleep, of course! How do you get a good night’s sleep? In our opinion, your mattress and bedding come first, but they’re not the…

Should You Try a New Sleep Schedule_Feature

A New Sleep Schedule for the New Year?

It’s a brand new year. Like most of us, you probably have a few resolutions to tackle in the months ahead. Maybe you want to get healthy, travel more, worry less, or have more time and energy to do the things you enjoy. Whatever your resolution, sleep likely plays a major role in your success, whether you realize it…

Fjords Ringing in the New Year

Fjords and Your New Year’s Resolutions

It’s that time of year again! New gym memberships are through the roof, kale and quinoa sales are spiking, DuoLingo’s site traffic is exploding, and cigarette sales have slowed, all in response to the dreaded New Year’s Resolutions. We know how this goes: Week one went so well that you can afford to cheat for the…