Category Archives: Health

Sleep Vegan Blog Header

How to Sleep Vegan

The Vegan Lifestyle is Taking Over! The vegan movement continues to gain popularity in Seattle. You see it everywhere you go. Restaurants are offering more plant-based options, grocery stores stock meat and dairy alternatives, and health and beauty products proudly boast cruelty free practices. It seems like there’s no end to the animal-free positivity going…

Easy Eco Laundry Blog Header

Easy Eco: Laundry

Despite the record-breaking rainfall in Washington the last two months, it’s Spring. Which, for a lot of people, means it’s time to Spring Clean! This yearly ritual allows everyone to make their space a little more habitable for the warmer seasons. However, these massive cleanings and de-clutterings often come with quite the eco-footprint. So, in an effort…

Hygge Blog Title Pic

The Coziest Trend of 2017: Hygge

Things in the US are a little tense. We have a new President vowing to shake things up, climate change could diminish food supply for our grandchildren (and their grandchildren), celebs can’t stay alive, refugees need homes, citizens need affordable homes, and we’re all still reeling after the Brangelina break-up. All this uncertainty and tension has given way…

Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds_Blog Feature

A List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds

Here in Seattle at Bedrooms & More, a fair-sized contingent of our customer base are allergy sufferers. It’s no surprise, really: the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology reports that “worldwide, sensitization to foreign proteins in the environment is present in up to 40% of the population.” That’s a lot of red, runny eyes, sniffly…

Hypoallergenic Cat List

List of Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

An estimated 10% of people have some sort of pet allergy. With cat allergies twice as common as dog allergies, we’ve followed up our Hypoallergenic Dogs List with one for Cat Lovers! We specialize in hypoallergenic bedding so we can confidently match our allergy-prone customers with mattresses, pillows, toppers, and mattress pads that will give them a more restful…